Tuesday, February 15, 2011

(Not really)Homemade Bownies

Last night I had a single ladies Valentines Day party. A friend was wanting to have a get together in her dorm room and I offered my apartment for the shindig since I had more room. I enjoy entertaining and having people over but don't do it often because I also like my alone time in my sweats on the sofa with a good book or foreign film.

The night before the party, I decided I wanted to make brownies but did not want to spend the 45 minutes on prep work that my homemade brownies take. So I grabbed a box of mix from my pantry. Some of the people who know me well would be shocked I used a box mix. I make homemade bread and english muffins and cookies, why in the world would I use a mix. For one it is easy.

The mix was a Betty Crocker dark chocolate brownie something or other. I also added dark and milk chocolate chips to it...the expensive kind. When it was good and cooled off, i made a chocolate glaze to pour on the top. Today, I brought the leftovers to my office on my way to class. When I got back a lady from the office over came by and proclaimed they were the best brownies she had ever eaten. The best brownies? They were from a box!

When people hear about the things I make and claim that they can't cook, I often see it as a crock. I made brownies from a box and they were promptly labeled"the best brownies ever." The inability to cook is often a crutch people use to not take the time to do so. The same crutch people use to get out of most things in life. If you take the time and try, and put your hear into something, you will usually come out with a half decent result. And if you don't, you can learn from the experience.


  1. haha what a great way to use cooking! if you can read you can cook! very good point

  2. Meh, I am guilty of using the lame excuse. I offer to do the dishes a good percentage of the time so I feel that kinda makes up for my loserness. That is why we should be forever friends, you cook and I clean.

    Good Day :)
